Emergency Service

Large Animal Emergencies:


Due to increased call volume you may be directed to bring your large animal patient to our facility for care. If you do not have a way to transport your animal to us, we may not be able to provide care on a timely basis. Please make arrangements to have transportation for your animal available.

After Hours Emergencies:

Cameron Veterinary Clinic employs an answering service to field after hours calls and direct them to the appropriate veterinarian on call.

Large animal emergencies on weeknights and weekends are shared between Drs. Cameron, Otis & Chesen. The answering service will ask you for the name of your animal’s current veterinarian. Not answering this question will result in your call not being returned.

Your call can be returned only if you are currently a client of one of the doctors in the emergency call rotation.

After hours emergencies will be triaged over the phone by the doctor on call. The doctor will provide direction to you for continuing care and will make the decision as to whether the case should be seen as an emergency or during our next open hours, by the doctor on call or by your regular veterinarian.

Cameron Veterinary Clinic does provide farm call mobile service to our clients. However, on emergency, since your animal’s needs may differ from what they would require on a typical farm call, due to case load, travel distance and at the doctor’s discretion, you may need to transport your animal to one of our clinic facilities. Transportation is the animal owner’s responsibility.

Office Hours Emergencies:

Emergencies during regular office hours will be triaged by staff and veterinarians and directions for continuing care will be provided as soon as possible. Emergencies will be worked into the existing schedule as quickly as possible. You may experience a wait time. You may be directed to transport your animal to one of our clinic facilities. Transportation is the animal owner’s responsibility. Rushing, overbooking and overextending our abilities risks mistakes and poor-quality care for all of our patients.

Emergency fees must be assessed on all emergency calls after hours and during business hours. These fees help offset the cost of the answering service, additional doctor and staff time and the cost of rescheduling appointments to accommodate the emergency case.