Here at Cameron Veterinary Clinic, we are dedicated to preventing patients from getting vesicular stomatitis as well as treating those that have the disease.
Vesicular stomatitis is a virus that mainly affects cows, horses, and pigs, though it can also affect sheep, goats, and the humans who work with sick animals. It is more common in the Southwest and is normally seen when it is warmer. It is also more common around rivers and valleys.
Common signs of vesicular stomatitis include blister-like lesions which are usually on the mouth, dental pad, tongue, lips, nostrils, hooves, and teats. They swell up and break open, leaving tissue that is raw and painful. Due to these lesions, many animals stop eating and drinking. Some look lame. Weight loss is also common, and dairy cattle may stop producing as much milk.
It is not known how vesicular stomatitis spreads, whether insects are a vector or not. However, once one animal in the herd is affected, it will begin to affect everyone. Proper cleaning is needed so that people are not affected also.
People who get vesicular stomatitis can suffer from flu-like symptoms including fever, aches, and malaise.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for those suffering from the disease. For this reason, it is really important to make sure that your animals do not come in contact with those carrying the disease. Check for any lesions before allowing new animals on your farm. Also, work on a insect management program to keep the insect population down.
If your animals become infected, you will need to practice good sanitation and quarantine your farm until the infection dies out on its own. It is also important to separate the healthy from the affected. Do not remove your animals from your farm because that could cause more animals to be affected. As always, keep everything clean so that you won’t get the disease.
If you have any questions about vesicular stomatitis, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (505) 466-1540.